Seminar: Archaeological Objects from NRA road schemes

Heritage Week NRA Seminar

The programme of talks cover the following topics:

  • Axes in Ireland’s history, Michael Stanley
  • Lipid analysis and prehistoric pottery, Jessica Smyth
  • Bronze Age beads, Ros Ó Maoldúin
  • Waterlogged organic artefacts, Caitríona Moore
  • Bone artefacts, Ian Riddler and Nicola Trzaska-Nartowski
  • Early medieval dress and ornament, Maureen Doyle
  • Early medieval pottery, Ian Doyle
  • Medieval pottery, Clare McCutcheon
  • Battlefield artefacts, Damien Shiels
  • Workshops presented by the Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Ancient Technologies, UCD School of Archaeology

City Wall Space, Wood quay Venue, Thursday 22nd August. Booking required.
To register contact Lillian Butler at 01 6658859 or