Cemetery & Graveyard Transcriptions

Maudlins Cemetery – History
By Brian Mc Cabe
The townland name ‘Maudlins’ is quite common and is found in a number of counties. It is generally taken to represent a derivation of ‘Magdalen’ and is often adduced as evidence of the existence of (leper) hospitals in the Middle Ages. The word ‘maudlin’ has been translated as “sickly, with eyes swollen with tears” i.e repentance for past sins.
There is evidence that at least some land at Maudlins belonged to the church from an early date. On the suppression of the monasteries, for example, the possessions of the Augustinian Friary at Naas were reported as including:
“Twenty acres of land in le Maudelins and parish of Naas, in the tenancy of Nicholas Walker, yearly value, 16 shillings”
A later inquisition held at Naas on 31 July, 6th year of Elizabeth 1 (1564) records that ‘the Maudelins of Naas’ contained four ‘messuages’ (house plus out-buildings and land) and 20 acres of land and formed part of the possessions of the chantry of St.Mary, of the church of St David. The land and buildings were held at this time by the representatives of John Donkerly.
1587 [Fiants 5106]
Lease to Tho. Yorcke, gent, of…. land in the Mawdelenes, co Kildare in the tenure of Nich. Walker….
6 Aug 1593 [Fiants 5826]
Grant (under queen’s letter 4 July) to Terence or Tirlagh O Byrne (of) land between Naas and the Madellin, co Kildare, called the Blackdiches land, parcel of the lands of Tho. Ewstace of Cardistowne, attainted (4s) 3 Sept xxxv
1597 [Fiants 6117]
Grant to George Isham, of Brianston, co Wexford, gent, of…land adjoining Mawdlens, between it and Milstowne mill (co Kildare) 16 June xxxix
The Civil Survey does not refer to Maudlins but a general Census carried out around 1659 records ‘Morlings’ as having 6 Irish, but no ‘English’ inhabitants.
The ground on which the present graveyard stands was donated for that purpose by Lord Naas in 1780 as is made clear in the inscription on the entrance arch (depicted in the drawing above). The graveyard itself appears to have been enclosed in 1782. It is featured, (marked as ‘Burying Ground’) on Lieutenant Alexander Taylor’s 1783 map of Kildare. Taylor himself was, in fact, later to be buried in Maudlins (see entry no 106).

Graveyards in the 18th and early 19th centuries were often the subject of body-snatching or grave-robbing as the notorious ‘sack-em-ups’ plied their grisly trade, usually by night.
Writing in the nineteenth century the historian De Burgh recorded that an old inhabitant of Naas told him that in his boyhood “..owing to the prevalence of body snatching, the dead had to be watched over day and night for some time after interment. He mentioned the names of several bodies that had been thus taken, amongst others that of a Mr Moorehead, late Governor of Naas Gaol which was taken from Maudlins cemetery and he mentioned the gruesome fact of his having seen some of the poor old man’s grey hair in the hedge over which the body was lifted. He pointed out the house in which a body snatcher (or sack ’em up as he called him) named W….. lived, who was ultimately convicted. It was a regular trade and carts with wheels covered with leather were employed so as to deaden the sound.”
By 1877 things had become somewhat more civilised. Charges for opening a grave in that year – according to the Vestry Book – were 5 shillings for an adult and 3 shillings and six pence for a child (under 10).
The original cemetery was extended in 1889 and a caretaker was first appointed in October 1902.
Below is an introductory video to Maudlins Cemetery featuring Brian McCabe and produced by the Rev. Philip Heak for Naas Union of the Church of Ireland. This is followed by the 1989 survey of the inscriptions. These are interspersed with further videos discussing some of the families buried in the cemetery, along with a number of photographs and 3D models by Seán Sourke.
Maudlins Cemetery – Survey
The survey was undertaken for Naas Local History Group in the of Summer 1989.
Project Team
Brian Mc Cabe assisted by:
Seán Sourke, David Browne, John O’Kelly, Justin O’Kelly, Mark Murphy, Stephen Collins, Jamie Collins, Orla Beatty, Desmond Dennehy, and Dara Dennehy.
1. In loving memory of our dear mother Jane M. Sutcliffe who died 14th Decenber 1897 aged 56 years and of our dear father Joseph Rowland Sutcliffe Manager, Hibernian Bank, Naas who died 19th December 1898 aged 63 years
2. In loving memory of George Harvey Royse fell asleep 17th October 1900 aged 3 days
3. In memory of Elizabeth Wills of Johnstown who departed this life Nov.18 1870 aged 63 years Also of her husband William Wills who departed this life Nov.29 1871 aged 66 years This stone was erected by their sons as a small tribute of affection and in testimony of the worth and virtue of their departed parents
4. In loving memory of James Wills of Johnstown who died 26th August 1887 aged 42 years Erected by his sister Martha
The above named Martha Wills died 4th June 1916 aged 72 years
5. In loving memory of my dear wife Elizabeth Lendrum who died 7th July 1926 aged 50 years Also her son Robert Ernest died 8th March 1918 aged 12 years Also Thomas Lendrum Died 14th September 1957 Aged 84 years
6. In loving memory of my dear husband James Rice who died 21st May 1896 aged 65 years Also his beloved wife Margaret died Nov 25th 1905 aged 74 years
7. In loving memory of Thomas George Gillespie of Kill Died 17th Dec 1938 aged 74
Also his wife Elizabeth Jane died 14th June 1951 aged 75 years
8. Erected in loving memory of Allan R Lyons died 1924 aged 87 years Also Elizabeth Lyons died 1932 aged 87 years
9. In loving memory of Mother,Florence Jane Lyons passed away June 6th 1966 Also Father, Thomas Sandall Lyons Died 22nd March 1973
10. In ever loving memory of Adam Cuppage Webb
Born May 5th 1849 Died May 29th 1912
11. In ever loving memory of my dear husband Frederick John Falkiner who died 17th September 1899 in his 78th year deeply regretted
Also in loving memory of Elizabeth Falkiner born March 13th 1845
Died April 20th 1912 wife of the above
12. In loving memory of my dear wife Mary Jane Kerr
13. Erected by Anne Jane Scott in loving memory of her Father John Scott who died 27th July 1882 aged 75 years
Also her mother Anne Jane Scott who died 7th December 1897 aged 81 yrs Also her brother Isaac and sister Elizabeth Henriette who died young And here also lies the above named Anne Jane Scott who died 1st January 1934 aged 87 years
The following inscriptions are on headstones in the railed-in De Burgh family plot:
14. Here lie in hope of a joyful resurrection the remains of Elsie de Burgh died 1 July 1889 aged 24
Henrietta de Burgh died 31 December 1893 aged 59
Venble Maurice T de Burgh Archdeacon of Kildare and Treasurer of St Brigids Cathedral Kildare,for 35 years Vicar of Naas Died 31 October 1894 aged 66
15. Thomas John Burgh Dean of Cloyne Born 23 May 1786 Entered into rest 4th Sept 1845. His wife Anna was laid beside him on his left on the 27th of December A.D 1857 aged 71 years
16. George de Burgh Born 29th Decr 1823 Died 6th March 1855
Erected by his mother to the dear memory of her much beloved son who died deeply repenting of his sins viewing himself as a brand plucked out of the fire who had obtained mercy and found great peace in believing that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin
17. Una Emily de Burgh Born 8th Dec 1889 Died at Oldtown 12th Feb 1890
18. Una Born 18th of February Died 28th of August 1859
19. Jane de Burgh Died 19th of July 1871
Also Thomas de Burgh of Oldtown her husband who died 15th July 1872 aged 59 years
20. Henry de Burgh who sleeps in Jesus July 29th 1876
In fond remembrance of a beloved Husband erected by his loving Elizabeth
Elizabeth Louisa de Burgh his dearly loved wife Died July 1st 1882
Absent from the body
Present with the Lord
21. Francis de Burgh
B .27 Dec 1814 D. 2 April 1892
22. Odo Ulick son of George & Mary Frances Constance de Burgh
Born the 10th Aug 1852 Died 29th Aug 1853
23. He giveth his beloved sleep
24. Emily Anne de Burgh wife of Lt Col T.J de Burgh of Oldtown
Born 3 Oct 1857 Died 20 May 1913
Also Thomas John her husband Died 7 Sept 1931 Aged 79 years
25. Capt Hubert de Burgh R.N of Oldtown Born 17 Feb 1879 Died 6 Oct 1960
Also his wife Marjory Died 23rd May 1978 Aged 88 years
26. In memory of Emma Maria wife of Major J de Burgh
She died 28th Sept 1851 aged 43 years
Major John de Burgh her husband D.25th Novr 1875 aged 76
Hubert John de Burgh their son D.12 Oct 1877 Aged 32
27. In memory of Hugo Shapland Dashwood Tandy Born 11th April 1876 Died at Oldtown 28 September 1880
Also of Dashwood Goldie Tandy commander of the Royal Navy (father of the above) who died at Oldtown on the 3rd Oct 1883 aged 43 years
28. Beneath are the mortal remains of Thomas Burgh Esqr of Oldtown He died 26 Nov 1832 Aged 78 years
Also of Florinda his wife She died 15 April 1830 aged 70
29. In memory of the Rev. Walter de Burgh for xxix Years Vicar of the Parish of Naas Born 11th Sept mdcclxxxix (1789) passed into rest xxiii April mdcc(c)lix (1859) in the xlvi year of his ministry
30. In memory of Hugo H.P de Burgh killed in action in April 1900 at Jammersberg Drift South Africa aged 31 years
This rude cross made and erected by his brother marked until 1906 his grave on the battlefield
31. Charles Burgh born December the 9th 1787 D.June the 22d 1793
………….. end of railed in plot?
32. Maurice Ulick de Burgh son of Colonel T.J. de Burgh of Oldtown B.15 Oct 1882 D.5 Nov 1958
33. Coralie Helen de Burgh Daughter of Colonel T.J de Burgh of Oldtown B.7 May 1880 D.4 Oct 1958
34. Frances Anne Rose beloved wife of Lieut Gen. Sir E.A Fanshawe Born 7th Dec 1869 Died 10th April 1950
Edward Arthur Fanshawe Born 4th April 1859 Died 13th Nov 1952
35. Mary de Burgh greatly loved wife of Major Gen. Eric de Burgh Born 6 March 1895 Died 14 June 1934 and of her devoted husband General Sir Eric de Burgh Born 10th May 1881 Died 6th Feb 1973
At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them
36. Charlotte Josephine de Burgh Born July 14 1869 Died Aug 4 1913 Also her sister Mary Florinda Hanbury wife of Arthur L Hanbury Esqr of Worcester Park Surrey
Born 15th July 1867 Died 23rd Dec 1914
37. In loving memory of Oliveria wife of Edward J de Burgh who fell asleep in Christ 26th October 1886 aged 22 years
38. In loving memory of Aimee Florence wife of Edward J de Burgh Barn Park, Bedworthy, Devon who entered into rest 4th April 1935 And of Edward Joseph de Burgh Born 1st November 1864 Died 23rd May 1936
39. Sacred to the memory of Mr John Blowney of Naas who died on the 27th day of March 1857 Aged 59 years Also his daughter Mary who died 28th December 1854 Aged 3 years
Also his son Benjamin who died February 28th 1856 Aged 9 months and also his daughter Frances W Blowney who died Jany 23rd 1861 Aged 16 years
40. In memory of Herbert Simpson Gill died 6th March 1948
Aged 84 years
41. In loving memory of Doris Odlum 19.4.1888 to 13.12.1982
42. Diana Mavis darling youngest daughter of Claude and Doris Odlum Leinster Grove,Naas Died 21st June 1943 in her twenty first year
43 In loving memory of William Claude Odlum 28.5.1884 to 14.7.1979
44. To the memory of Jeremiah Sharpe Late Sergeant Major 7th Royal Fusiliers who departed this life March 25th 1836 Aged 55 years This stone was erected by his disconsolate Widow
Affliction sore long time I bore
My sorrows were in vain
Till God thought fit that I should flit
And ease me of my pain
45. This stone was erected by Mr Valentine Chaloner in memory of his beloved wife Maria Eliza Chaloner who departed this life September 4th 1833
46. Here lieth the body of the Revd James Slator of Tonyn Co Longford Vicar of Naas and Rector of Caragh He dischargd the duties of the Ministry for upwards of __ years. Died 19th March 1850 Aged 75
Here also is deposited the body of Henrietta Slator his wife who died 16th March 1858 Aged 83 years
47. To the memory of Capt Carter R.N who departed this life 1st Nov 1833 Aged 61 years
Also to Anne his beloved wife who departed on the 19th day of the same month
48. Erected by Maria Greene in remembrance of her beloved uncle James Kellett M.D Died 2nd July 1867 Universally regretted Aged 61 years
49. Sacred to the memory of Thomas C BRYAN the beloved son of Matthew & Mary Bryan who died at Furness in this County on the 10th day of April 1849 in the 12th year of his age.
Also his mother Mary BRYAN who died the 19th of August 1869
Aged 70 years
50. In memory of Anne Countess of Clonmel who departed this life on the 18th of November 1872 Aged 53 years
51. In memory of John Henry 3rd Earl of Clonmel who departed this life on the 7th February 1866 Aged 49 years
52. In beloved memory of John Henry Reginald Scott 4th Earl of Clonmel Born 2nd of March 1838 Died 22nd of June 1891
53. Thomas Charles Scott 5th Earl of Clonmel
Born 18th August 1840 Died 18th June 1896 Aged 55
54. This ground was enclosed by Baron de Robeck D.L for Himself and Family
Richard Fitzpatrick Aged one year and eight months Died 28th October 1865
William and Bernard Edward infants
Coralie Died 5th November 1879 Aged 13
Sophia Charlotte Baroness de Robeck 15 July 1903 Aged 72
John Henry Edward Baron de Robeck 23rd August 1904 Aged 80
Henry Edward William Baron de Robeck 27th April 1929 Aged 70
Gertrude Elizabeth Mary de Robeck 23 March 1935 Aged 74
Anne Cranston Baroness de Robeck Died 29th March 1937 Age 74
Bernard Lorenz de Robeck Died 3rd June 1957 Aged 58
55. Coralie Aged 3 years
56. Charles R de Robeck born 27th March 1871 Died 3rd May 1930
Also his eldest son Dermot de Robeck RAF born 13th Dec 1907
killed 28th Aug 1925 Buried at Whittlesford Cambridgeshire
(Moore Cross)
57. This piece of ground was enclosed by the widow and children of Richard Moore Esq of Killashee as a family burial place July 1881
(a) Richard Moore Died June 2nd 1881
Aged 63 years
Florence Henrietta Fanny Died 29th September 1887
Aged (2) 8 years
Emma Frances Moore Died 16th January 1889 Aged 68 years
(b) Edward F.W.Moore Died March 19th 1925 Aged 68 years
(c)Col. Richard St Leger Moore C.B Died 18th October 1921
Aged 73 years
Alice Geraldine his wife Died 21 Nov 1931 Aged 79 years
58. In loving memory of Mrs Margaret Shand Arbroath Scotland
Died 2nd September 1957 Aged 71 years
59. Sacred to the memory of George Stevens son of Qr Mr Sergeant Stevens of the 79th Regiment who departed this life 2nd June 1845 Aged 15 years
60. Sacred to the memory of Katherine Ellen Horne who died 23rd October 1952 Aged 76 years Mary Anne Horne who died 16th July 1935 Aged 86 years And her grand-mother Ellen Carter who died 9th April 1896 Aged 76
61. In loving memory of Arthur John Died 25th April 1895 aged 3 (and a half) years and Esther Barbara Died 17th September 1911 Aged 12 years Children of Sergt Major and Mrs French Royal Dublin Fusiliers
62. Elizabeth N. Hewit Born 29.12.1881 Entered into the presence of her Lord 11.7.88
63. In affectionate loving memory of Ellen Blanche Holloway Born 3rd March 1885 Died 11th January 1887
Also Herbert John Holloway Born 4th May 1888 Died 10th April 1890
64. Erected by the Non-Commissioned Officers 102nd R.M.Fusiliers in memory of Sergeant William Peat of that Corps who died at Naas on the 2nd Feby 1878 Aged 34 years
65. Erected by the Sergts of the 102 Fusiliers in memory of Color Sergeant William Parfitt of that Regt who was drowned in the Grand Canal at Naas on the 9th Feby 1879 Aged 39 yrs
66. Sacred to the memory of Sergt Neil Mc Cue 102nd Royal Madras Fusiliers who died at Naas 22nd August 1873 Aged 37 years
67. Here lie the mortal remains of Alexander Taylor late Paymaster Sergeant of his Majesty’s 86th or Royal County Down Regiment of Foot who died 2nd February 1825 aged 36 years. In testimony of the esteem in which he was held by the whole of the Non Commissioned Officers of the said Regiment they have unanimously joined in erecting this stone as a memorial of his excellent character both as a soldier and as a comrade.
68. To the memory of Edmund Johnston of the 85th Regt,a native of Lincolnshire who died at Naas the 9th of March 1844 aged 18 years
69. Erec(ted) in memory of Margaret Mc Kenzie Daughter of William and Letitia Mc Kenzie 44th Regt who died 17th March 1821 Aged 15 years
In dawn of life she wisely sought her God
And the straight path of thorny virtue trod
Fond to oblige too gentle to offend
Beloved by all lamented by her friends
70. Sacred to the memory of Frances EILENDER the faithful servant of Colonel & Mrs Frankland who departed this life suddenly 19th March 1887
71. 71st Highland Light Infantry Sacred to the memory of Sergeant Donald Ross of the Band who died at Naas on the 26th of September 1848 Aged 32 years and of Sergeant James Murray who died also at Naas on the 5th of October 1848 Aged 28 years
72. Erected by Husband and Children in memory of Elizabeth Frances Cooke of Naas who died October 15th 1918 Aged 44 years Also her husband Thomas Cooke Died January 31st 1951
73. Catherine Crowder aged 69, 62 Handley St. Sheffield England
Accident at Kill on July 31st 1956
74. Erected by Lizzie Mc Clure in memory of her beloved Husband James Mc Clure who died at Celbridge 10th May 1865 Aged 32
75. In loving memory of Arthur Beaumont Collins who died July 24th 1890 aged 28 years
76. Erected by loving parents to our dear child Nellie GOODALL who died Christmas Day 1893 aged 7 years
77. In loving memory of our dear and eldest daughter Constance Goodall who died 2nd Jan 1901 aged 19 years
78. In loving memory of Alice Acres <nee Haddnett> Newtown Park Blackrock
Died 14th Feb 1986
Safe in the arms of Jesus
79. In loving memory of Richard Hadnett Kill Died 12 Oct 1977 Aged 49 years.
Erected by his loving wife and family
80. In loving memory of my dear brother James H White Main St Naas who died 22nd April 1948 aged 52 years
Sarah J Shekelton aunt of above who died 20th Oct 1948 aged 82 years.
Also his sister Dorothy E White who died 14th April 1963 aged 70 years
Also his brother John R White who died 1st Dec 1964 aged 78 years
81. In loving memory of Ellen beloved wife of Samuel Hill “Enoville” Sallins who died 24th March 1935 aged 63 years
also of Samuel Hill who died 31st March 1943 aged 82 years
Their loving daughter Hannah Roberta Hill died 19th June 1961
Mary Jane Hill died 12th Dec 1974
Samuel George Hill died 5th August 1984 Aged 73 years
82. In loving memory of my dear husband John James Devlin (Leinster Leader Naas) who died 20th Dec 1930 aged 46 years
Also his beloved wife Eva Mary Devlin who died 25th Feb 1958 aged 70 years
83. In loving memory of our dear son Henry Francis Sargent who died 26th June 1929 Aged 21 years
His father George Sargent Died 14th June 1956 Aged 80 years
His mother Martha Jane Sargent Died 25th August 1964 Aged 78 years
84. In loving memory of Helen dearly beloved wife of John Cruickshank of Ludlow formerly of Killashee Naas
Died 10th March 1929
85. In loving memory of our dearly loved daughter Lucy Patricia Eagrett who died March 2nd 1922 aged 15 years
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”
and her dear mother Janet Eagrett who died May 14th 1939 aged 69 years and her father John Eagrett who died August 24th 1951
also Meta beloved wife of J.C Eagrett who died December 1st 1956
86. In loving memory of our dear son Lewis W. S Holloway who died at Naas on the 15th of January 1913 aged 18 years
87. In loving memory of William Cullan Cass (of Wetheral Carlisle) who died at Naas 5th Feby 1908 aged 49 years
88. In loving memory of Gertrude Kennedy daughter of James & Anna Kennedy Died 9th June 1935 aged 48 years
James Edwin Kennedy dear husband of Maud Elizabeth Kennedy Died 26th September 1946
89. A.D 1873
This ground was inclosed by Robert Stokes Hayes of Naas as a resting place for himself and family until the morning of the resurrection ……….
This monument was also erected by him in affectionate remembrance of his sister Mary Hayes who died 14th Jan 1821 aged 21 years.
His father James Hayes who died 2 June 1830 Aged 54 years.
His brother James Hayes who died 9th Feb 1847 aged 32 years.
His mother Charity Hayes who died 25th Sept 1857 Aged 77 years.
His son in law Wm F.D. Falkiner of Osberstown Hill who died 13th Sept 1858 aged 31 years
All of whom are here interred
His grandson in law J.Allen Bolton of Orchard House Clondalkin who died 14th June 1881 aged 33 years
Here also rests the above named Robert Stokes Hayes who died 28 Dec 1888 Aged 79 and Mary his wife who died 5th January 1892 aged 81 years
90. In loving memory of Denis George Lawless Died 31st Oct 1967
91. In loving memory of our dear brother W.A Lanphier who died Oct 8th 1935
Also Edith Lanphier widow of above who died Feb 5th 1936
92. In loving memory of Alfred Warmington who departed this life 19th Oct 1917 aged 69 years
93. Cecil Francis Blacker Lieut 2nd Battalion Connaught Rangers
Born May 15th 1889 Died Sept 6th 1914 of wounds received at the battle of Mons Aug 23rd 1914
94. Helen Mary born January 20th 1839 died 22nd April 1903 Aged 64 years youngest daughter of William Fitzwilliam Burton of Burton Hall in the county of Carlow
95. Amelia Mc Graith Daughter of Sergt Major Mc Graith K. Rifles departed this life on the 1st May 1870 aged 4 years
96. Erected by her children in loving memory of Julia Lady Carden of Westown wife of Sir John Carden 4th Bart of Templemore Abbey Co Tipperary who died Dec 12th 1915 Aged 81 years
97. In loving memory of my dear father Edward, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland and County Surveyor. Born 9th Dec 1847 Died 20th March 1931
and of his grandson O’Donel Thornley Dodwell Brown M.B. MA O.F.R.C.P.I F.R.C.O.G Master of the Rotunda Hospital Born 10th April 1903 at Gortnagrena Naas. Died 24th July 1952 at Rotunda Hospital
Inscribed in remembrance of a greatly beloved husband son and father
and of his wife Lorna Hastings Daughter of Dr Ernest Hastings Tweedy who died 12 January 1982 in Suffolk England aged 79 years
(Erected by his daughter Gracie 1934)
98. In loving memory of O’Donel Henry Dodwell Browne MD Born 20th September 1878 at Rahins, Castlebar and who died 11th June 1945 at Gortnagrena, Naas.
And of his wife Grace Lizzie Born 5th September 1880 at Castlebar.
Died 4th February 1960 at Sandyford, Dublin
99. In loving memory of William Colles Kennedy Beloved Eldest son of Rev. Herbert B. and Sophie C. Kennedy
Born 29th September 1896
Died on Good Friday 16th April 1897
100. To the memory of Catherine Morrison of Naas who departed this life on the 1st of November 1852 aged 75 years
101. In memory of Elizabeth Bird who entered into rest 1st July 1876 aged 84. Erected by her friends to record the affection with which they cherish her memory and the high esteem in which they hold her lifelong labour of love and her unwearied efforts to relieve the poor and suffering
102. This monument was erected by Mr Henry Heydon in memory of his father Mr Henry Heydon of Naas who died July 17th 1807
Aged 64 years
103. Wm H Sharpe and his wife Ann Jane
104. In loving memory of John Jones who died 18th April 1947 aged 75 years and of his wife Anne who died 2nd June 1956 in her eightieth year and their son Alfred who departed this life December 15th 1975 aged 71 years
At rest
105. Here are interred the remains of Anna wife of George Taylor
Esq. of Dublin who died (2)8th June 1828 Aged 26 years
106. Major Alexander Taylor R.I.Engrs 1828 Aged 82
107. Captain George Taylor died 6th May 1836 Aged 88 years
Barbara his wife
Died 14th September 1839 aged 83 years
108. James & Dora Neale (in remembrance of) son 1927
(Unusual sculpture – home made?)
109. Erected in loving memory of Mrs Elizabeth Robinson who died in Dublin 8th Dec 1880 aged 69 years
Also of her two daughters who are interred here,one each side of her Mrs Sarah Anne North who died at Naas 23rd September 1888 aged 24 years and Mrs Susan Chapman who died in Dublin 8th September 1882 Aged 35 years
110. Erected by John Brownlow of Naas in memory of beloved son
George who died 26th March 1887 Aged 36 years
Also his son John died 2nd of May 1903 Aged 43 years
The above John Brownlow died 20th December 1903 aged 87 years
Also his wife Catherine died 2nd February 1912 Aged 90 years
111. In loving remembrance of our dear sister Bessie Patterson who died the 14th August 1896 and also of our mother Ellen who died on 21st September 1913. This stone is erected by John Thomas and Robert Patterson in memory of their mother and sister
112. In loving memory of Richard Allen Foley who departed this life on the 8th of May 1902 at Naas Co Kildare age 66 years This stone is erected by his affectionate sister Cecilia Wheeler
113. In loving memory of Charles P.Payne dearly loved infant son of Charles & Edith Payne aged 10 months
114. In loving memory of William Stokes Pemberton died September 22 1904 aged 59 ……….. also his infant daughter Rebecca Josephine died Jan 22 1901 aged 10 days
Also Ida M. widow of W.S. Pemberton died 30rd Oct 1917 aged 52 years
115. In loving memory of Elizabeth Glover born July 1864 died
March 1941 Also of Laura Glover born February 1870 Died May 1942.
Also of the Rev.Edward Walker Glover B.D Precentor of Kildare and rector of this parish 1902 – 1954
Born May 1871 Died Novr 1954
116. In loving memory of William Herbert Croften Torrens 3rd son of Joseph Torrens Archdeacon of Kildare and Louisa his wife born 28th June 1878 Died 1st May 1906
Here lieth the body of the above Joseph Torrens M.A
Resigned January 1909 Died in Dublin August 1909 Aged 69
117. In loving memory of Susan Anne Young buried 16th February 1938 aged 66 years
Annie Young
Buried 16th July 1940 aged 63 years
Andrew Young
Barrack Gate, Naas
Buried 4th January 1947 who desired this stone to be erected in memory of his beloved wife Susan and his sister Annie
118. Erected in loving memory of Susan the dearly beloved wife of E Wilson R.I.C who died at Morrell Lodge Naas the 1st January 1905
119. In loving memory of my dear husband Charles Rowell died 16th February 1946
Aged 69 years
His wife Charlotte Rowell died 15th February 1949 aged 93 years
120. In loving memory of my dear husband Richard Sargent who died the 8th of January 1909 aged 48 years
His daughter Ina Vivian who died the 8th March 1894 aged 14 weeks.
Harriette Elizabeth wife of the above Richard died 6th December 1935 aged 75 years
Violet Florance Sargent died 1st April 1978 aged 87 years
Ina Olive Sargent Died 16th June 1983 aged 84 years
121. In loving memory of Esther Elizabeth Bowring beloved wife of John Anderson who entered into rest on the 9th of October 1895 aged 76 years
122. Ella our loving & much loved daughter died June 7th 1878
Aged 22 years Also our beloved children Barrington & Ebena
who died Novr 25th & Decr 4th 1872 Aged 10 & 12 years rest here
[This is a railed plot; no surname given in inscription but reverse shows “Molloy Abbeyfield”]
123. In loving memory of Jane Parson who died at Naas 11th November 1891 aged 85 years
124. Erected by John Rowe of Johnstown in memory of his beloved son Henry
Died 21st June 1868
Aged 3 years
Also his daughter Catherine
Died 13th July 1870
Aged 23 years and also his son John
Died 6 August 1878
Aged 24 years
Also his daughter Lizzie Died 20th September 1880
Aged 17 years
Also his son Edward Died 26th August 1881
Aged 20 years
Also of John Rowe who erected headstone) died 28 July 1898
Aged 78 years and of his wife Jane Rowe died 6th March 1899
Aged 74 years
125. In memory of Emelie Blanche the beloved wife of George Stoker and Daughter of the late George R Keogh of Kilbride in the Coy of Carlow D L who died at Naas on the 17th December 1862
126. Sacred to the memory of Emily Mary the youngest and much loved Daughter of Arthur Curling ESQre County Inspector Royal Irish Constabulary who died 29th Dec 1877
127. In loving memory of Catherine Lawless Died 29th Jan 1949 in her 77th year and her husband Denis Lawless Died 6th Feb 1951 in his 82nd year
128. Erected by Mrs David Kenney in memory of her Sister Mrs Thomasina Sale Daughter of the late Wilson Pollen of Naas who departed this life the 22nd of Decr 1862 Aged 75 years
129. R.H.C Hall Born 1855 Died 1937
Eleanor his wife Born 1850 Died 1925
130. R.H.C.A Hall Born 1931 Died 1959
131. Olivia Hall Born 1891 Died 1961
C.A.V Hall Born 1886 Died 1970
132. B.H.A Hall Born 1883 Died 1959
133. Here lies the body of Abraham Bolton Esqr Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland And late Surgeon of the County of Kildare Infirmary who died at Naas on the 28th day of June 1820 Aged 52 years
134. Mary Henrick who died 18th Jan 1840
135. In loving memory of Thomas Hendrick Esqr of Kerdiffstown who died 1st June 1889 aged 58 years
This stone is erected by his affectionate nephew Hans Hendrick Aylmer Esqr
136. In loving memory of Charles Percy Aylmer Eldest son of H. Hendrick Aylmer of Kerdiffstown Co Kildare
Born 26 August 1887
Died 1 December 1906 Aged 19 years
Also in ever loving memory of Gerald Hans Hendrick Aylmer Lieut Royal Enniskilling Fusiliers younger son of Hans Hendrick Aylmer killed on active service in France April 1917 aged 19 years
“He fought
He died
He lives “
137. In affectionate memory of Cecilia Aylmer Daughter of John Aylmer of Courtown Died 23rd September 1918 aged 79 years
138. In ever loving memory of Hans Hendrick Aylmer of Kerdiffstown Co Kildare who passed away the 13th day of November 1917 Aged 61 years and also of his wife Florence who left us April 8th 1940 deeply loved by all who knew her
“And with the morn those angel faces smile which I have loved long since and lost awhile”
139. In loving memory of Mary Gulshaw daughter of William Gulshaw of Liverpool
For 44 years resident at Johnstown
Departed this life January 1st 1941
140. In loving memory of Florence Mary Gore wife of William Gore Esqr and Daughter of Michael Aylmer Esqr Courtown Kilcock Died Aug 3rd 1907
141. In loving memory of Richard Michael Aylmer Colonel R.A.S.C son of Algernon and Frances Aylmer of Kerdiffstown County Kildare who died on 26th January 1975 aged 87 years
142. In loving memory of Algernon Michael Aylmer of Kerdiffstown who died 6th February 1933 Aged 75 years
And of his beloved wife Frances who died 20th of January 1937
Aged 75 years
143. In loving memory of Roger Mainguy Major R.E
Born Oct 16th 1881 Died June 30th 1959
Greatly loved
He fought the good fight
And of his beloved wife Theodora Margaret daughter of Algernon and Frances Aylmer of Kerdiffstown
Born Feb 21st 1892 Died Dec 2nd 1977
144. In loving memory of Violet Maud Houghton Died Novr 15th 1941 William Robert Edward Harrison 1900-1971
Elizabeth Foy (nee Harrison) 1902-1981
145. Lt Col. Robert W.G.Harrison 1873 – 1943 and his wife Helena Cecilia Harrison 1882 – 1949
146. In loving memory of (Birdie) Martha Josephine Hilda the dearly beloved wife of John Metcalf Station Master Naas who departed this life 1st January 1894 aged 28 years
Also their infant daughter Ruby Josephine 10th January 1894 aged 14 days
147. Sacred to the memory of Samuel Graham who departed this life 2nd November 1880 Aged 77 years
An affectionate husband and beloved father.
Also his beloved wife Susan Graham
Died June 7th 1895
Aged 78 years
148. In memory of Lizzie Kennedy the loving wife of James Kennedy
Millbrook Cottage Naas
Died 26th of August 1877 Aged 28 years
Also Ada Margaret Kennedy who died Oct 4th 1886 aged 3 years and her dearly beloved mother Rebecca Anna Kennedy who died Feb 15th 1894 aged 35 years
Also their son William Kennedy who died Jan 13th 1933 aged 42 years
The above named James Kennedy who died Feb 10th 1934 aged 88 years.
149. Erected by Timothy Mc Grath Naas in memory of his beloved wife Mary Mc Grath who died 22nd Novr 1868 Aged 85 years
150. In loving memory of Isabella Fagan Railway View Naas
Died 31st Dec 1958
151. Erected by the Earl of Mayo in memory of John Thomas Pellett Esq who was for forty years the faithful agent of his family
Born 22nd Decr 1800
Died 2nd Feby 1875
152. Matilda Helena the beloved wife of Charlton P. Cannon died on the 5th of March 1858
Aged 64 years
Her niece Bessie Cochrane who died 19th Sept 1835
Aged 15 years is interred beside her.
Her husband who died on the 6th day of Nov 1874 is interred beside her
153. Erected by Robert Hill of Tipper in memory of his beloved wife Anne Hill who died 3rd November 1875
Aged 66 years
The above Robert Hill died 4th Dec 1905
Aged 95 years
Also Annie Hill Died 23rd March 1908
Aged 7 years
His son Robert Hill Died 7th April 1937
Aged 94 years
His wife Mary Hill Died 29th June 1937
Aged 79 years
154. Mrs Isabella Regan of Naas in loving memory of her son Richard who died 9th August 1854 aged 14 years
Also her beloved husband Thomas who died 25th of August 1865 aged 61 years
155. Katherine M Hildyard born March 24th 1830 Died Mar 21st 1880
156. In memory of Rev. J. Lane B.A formerly rector of Killashee in this county who died June 1880 Aged 81 years
Ellen Ouseley Lane his wife who died March 1889 age 78 years and their children Francis Ouseley Lane who died November 1856 aged 15 years
Charles Ouseley Lane who died December 1866 aged 20 years
Edward Ouseley Lane who died February 1872 aged 20 yrs
157. Erected by Mary Anne Mc Connell of Johnstown in memory of her husband Henry Mc Connell who died 26th Oct 1883 aged 60
158.Erected by Robert Mc Nabb in memory of his beloved wife Anne who died 7th May 1878 aged 82 years Here also is interred Robert Mc Nabb who died 20th July 1878 aged 82 years
159. In loving memory of Robert William Carter (Medical Hall Naas)
Died Nov 28th 1909 aged 62 years
His wife Margaret Lennie Carter (17 Ashdale Road Terenure)
Died March 15th 1915 aged 53 years
Also their eldest son William Sunner Carter Surgeon S.S Ebor who died at sea Jan 28th 1915 interred at Dakar West Africa aged 33 years
and their Daughter Violet Marguerite Carter
Died December 20th 1978 aged 87 years
160. In loving memory of Thomas Robert Gibson who died 23rd September 1940 aged 78 years and of his infant son Thomas Robert who died 12th July 1909
161. In loving memory of Sarah B.Cantrell who died 19th April 1907 aged 76 years Daughter of the late James S.Cantrell
And of John T Rattray died 19th Sep 1919 aged 71 years
His wife Rachel J Rattray sister of the above Sarah B.Cantrell died 23 March 1925 aged 24 years
also Elizabeth Holden Rattray daughter of above died 1st January 1945
162. Erected by William Richardson of Palmerstown in memory of his beloved son William Thomas Died 2nd Sept 1870 aged 4 years and also of his son Francis Edward died 16th January 1874 aged 3 years and 9 months and also of his beloved wife Ann who died 13 May 1880 aged 50 years
163. Erected by the Dowager Countess of Mayo in memory of John Richardson who died 2nd December 1876 aged 60 years
Also his wife Ellen who died 3rd April 1884 aged 64 years and also their son Matthew who died 4th Sept 1872 aged 20 years
164. Erected by M Pigott & J Pigott in loving memory of their beloved mother Margaret Pigott who was called to rest on the 19th April 1909 aged 63 years
Also Charles Pigott her husband who was called to rest on the 21st of Sept 1909 aged 65 years
Also their children Charles died 16th December 1891 aged 5 and a half years and Elizabeth 25th June 1895 aged 19
also C H Pigott died in action August 1918
165. Erected by his devoted wife in loving memory of my dear husband William Young late of Killashee, Naas who fell asleep on Nov. 7th 1960
Also our darling son John whom God called home on 11th March 1941
Also Helena dearly loved wife and mother of above who died 17th March 1985
166. Lizzie Ethel Warren Died 19th February 1951 aged 82 years
167. Erected by William Caldbeck of Naas in memory of his father Samuel Caldbeck who died 21st March 1874
168. In loving memory of Thomas Kent born 31st March 1866 Died 15th July 1910
169. Erected to the memory of John Bubb Gough who died 3rd August 1866 aged 54 years And also of his wife Elinor who died 21st June 1867 aged 49 years Their son John Trafford Gough died 16th January 1890 and his wife Elizabeth died 7th March 1879 Also their grandson John Trafford Gough who died 22nd September 1957 at 8 Wilton Terrace Dublin in his 80th year
170. This tablet is erected by Eileen Mildred & Augusta Blanche
(a) Hargrave in affectionate remembrance of their dear father H.J.B Hargrave M.A., M.I.C.E of 16 Shrewsbury Road Dublin late Chief Engineer of the B.B & C India Ry Co
Died 30th July 1905 aged 67 years
(b) Also of Augusta Blanche the beloved wife of H I B Hargrave Esqre MA Malabar Hill Bombay Died 18th December 1888 aged 27
(c) In memory of William Hargrave Esq M.B. of 56 Upper Mount St in the city of Dublin Fellow and ex-President of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland who died on the 24th of Nov 1874 aged 79 years
(d) Also of his wife Elizabeth who died on the 10th of May 1864
Aged 62 years
(e) Thomas Deane Hargrave A.B.M.B Eldest son of William Hargrave
Ex President Royal College of Surgeons who died April 13th 1889 and Adelaide his wife Daughter of John Hargrave Architect who died February 12th 1920
171. In memory of Gladys Mary the dearly loved and only daughter of Colonel and Mrs Paterson who died at Naas Barracks
19th September 1902
172. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Maitland wife of (Peter) Maitland 50th Light Infantry who departed this life 27th day August 18(stone damaged) aged 50 years
This monument was (erected) as a tribute of affection and esteem by her sorrowing husband
173. Sacred to the memory of Margaret the beloved and devoted wife of John Atkinson of Naas. She fell asleep in Jesus 6th May 1865 aged 40 years Also his infant son George Samuel and also his mother who departed this life 5th June 1860 aged 78 years
174. In memory of Alice Frances Croshaw wife of Colonel Oswald Croshaw and Daughter of General Weldon Died 14th June 1950
175. To the dear memory of Walter Weldon Major General late Madras Staff Corps born at Rahinderry Queens Co May 11th 1828 Died July 7th 1907
The following inscription is contained on the back panel of pyramid mausoleum beside the de Burgh family plot:
176. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth (Jane) Hussey Burgh otherwise Fitzgerald. Eminently distinguished by unaffected humility exemplary piety and Christian Charity
Approaching dissolution had no terrors for her who died in the blessed hope of eternal life thro the merits of Christ alone. In grateful remembrance of his disinterested affection This mausoleum is erected by her afflicted widower (who best knew her worth and revered her virtues) as a monument to her departed worth and a resting place for himself and family in future WALTER HUSSEY BURGH Esq of Donore in this county Grandson to the late celebrated Patriot WALTER HUSSEY BURGH Lord Chief Baron of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Ireland and member of the Irish House of Commons for Trinity College Dublin
She departed this life 7 day of Feb in the year of our lord 1834 in the 33 year of her age leaving one son and seven daughters to mourn their irreplaceable loss
A second pyramid mausoleum has no inscription but has recently been identified by Brian McCabe, thanks to an entry in the burial registrar, as belonging a Montgomery family who lived at The Knocks, along the canal in Naas.
Inscription on Mayo Vault:
177. This vault was constructed by John 4th Earl of Mayo to contain the mortal remains of the ancient family of Bourke
A.D. 1843
The following additional inscriptions were uncovered during a clearance of the graveyard during early 1994:
178. Major Connor J P and Mary his wife
179. Here lies the Body of Mrs Mary
Sherlock who departed this life the 13th
Day of Janry 1773 and alsoe her son
John who died the 29th Febr 1752
de Robeck plot (originally after 180 – should be there or here?)
180. In loving memory
of HEATHER PEEL/1918-1957
Daughter of
Dorothy (nee de Robeck) and
Digby Robert Peel
181. In loving memory
who died July 5th 1894
aged 76 years
182. In memory
who fell asleep 12th Feby 1862
aged 52 years
183. In
loving memory
born 2nd Feby 1834
20th August 1927
at St David’s House Naas
who for about 70 years
was the faithful companion
of the late
Baron de Robecks family
born 27th March 1871
died 3rd May 1930 also his eldest son
born 13th Dec 1907
killed 28th Aug 1925
buried at Whittlesford Cambridgeshire
185. In loving memory of
In loving memory of
186. To the memory of Colonel HENRY SHAKESPEARE HIGGINSON
Royal (late Bengal) Artillery died July 26th 1924
Also his sister MILLICENT HIGGINSON born 9th May 1861 Died 31st May 1955