Simmonstown – A house with a History

Celbridge Historical Society
Celbridge Historical Society’s first talk of the Autumn on 7 October will be given by Eamon Burke in Celbridge Library at 7.45pm.
‘Simmonstown: A house with a History’. On the outskirts of Celbridge, overlooking the Liffey, the house has a very long history indeed!
Originally due to be given in September, this talk was postponed following the sad death of our treasured vice-chair, Jeanne Meldon Walsh, our guiding light. May she rest in peace. We extend our deepest sympathy to her husband Jim and family.
Our AGM will take place before the November meeting. New members always welcome.
Eamon proposes to talk about:
- Simmonstown House 1600 to 2020s
- The origins of the house, outbuildings and walled Gardens.
- Its role in the Pale as a defensive Farmstead.
- 1641- 1652 The war of the three kingdoms and its effect on the house and Celbridge.
- The Battle of the Boyne and its aftermath.
- The famine of 1741 effect on the house and Celbridge.
- The years 1780 and the cotton revolution its effect on the house and Celbridge.
- 1798 Rebellion.
- House rebuilt 1809 and the discovery of the second house on the site.
- 1874-1948 the Connolly Years”