A fundraising event in support of St. John’s Church of Ireland, Ballymore Eustace.
An extensive tour of the Ballymore Eustace Woolen Mills will take place on Saturday the 3rd of August following a short river walk starting at 2.15pm sharp. The tour will be guided by the present owner, Harvey Appleby, who will give a talk on the history of the Mills and the plans for its restoration and future use.
The programme will commence with a short river walk that will be starting at 2.15pm sharp (meet at the Liffey bridge). This will be followed by the guided tour of the Mills after which there will be refreshments served at Isa and Chris Dowling’s house just inside the river walk beside the bridge (Tea, coffee, sandwiches, and home baking).
Cost of tour will be €10. There will also be a raffle on the day.
Please come along and support St. John’s Church.
For further details or to book contact Grania at 045864589 or 087 1253190.
A little about St. John’s Church Ballymore Eustace
The present St. John’s Church in Ballymore Eustace was built in 1820 on the site of a Medieval church first mentioned in 1192. This Norman era parish church was itself built on the site of an Early Medieval Irish religious foundation, as attested to by the presence of two 10th century high crosses that are located to the north and south of the present structure. The graveyard also contains eight medieval granite grave slabs with incised crosses dated to the 12th or 13th centuries.
Internally the church contains a large 12th century granite circular baptismal font and an early 16th century effigy, originally at Old Kilcullen, of a FitzEustace knight dressed in his long hauberk mail with a bascinet on his head .
More recent features include many memorial plaques and stained-glass windows dedicated to families historically connected to the local area, as well as a number of memorials to locals who fell in the first world war.
Please come along and support St. John’s Church.