Author Dermot Meleady added to available speakers list

A new speaker, Dermot Meleady, has been added to our list of available speakers to deliver lectures of fifty minutes to one hour in 2015. The subjects focus on aspects of Ireland’s early 20th century history with special reference to Redmond and the activities of the constitutional nationalist party, the Irish Parliamentary Party, under his leadership.

Dermot Meleady  is the author of a two-volume biography of the Irish Home Rule leader John Redmond: Redmond: The Parnellite published by Cork University Press (2008) and John Redmond: The National Leader published by Irish Academic Press (2013).  This is the first full-length biography of Redmond since that by Denis Gwynn published in 1932.

Details below and on the Available Speakers page.

Dermot Meleady
Subject: Notes:
The Lost Legacy of John Redmond Talk focusing on his life and times and the forgotten achievements of the IPP under his leadership
John Redmond and the Third Home Rule Bill 1912-1916 Talk focusing on the IPP’s struggle to have the Home Rule Bill passed through the British House of Commons, and the subsequent obstacles to its implementation
John Redmond and the Great War Talk examining Redmond’s motives in calling, first, for Irish nationalist support for the Allies in August 1914, and later, for Irish nationalist enlistment with the British forces in the Great War
John Redmond – What If? Could things have turned out differently for Home Rule and for Ireland in 1914, and, if so, under what conditions?
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