You are invited to attend a public meeting about a community heritage project that has the potential to increase visitor numbers to Castledermot and the wider South Kildare area and therefore have a positive impact on the local economy.
Last summer the temporary Irish High Cross exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin was dismantled and thanks to the intervention of a former museum employee and our County Heritage Officer, all of the beautifully illustrated information panels from the exhibition have been gifted to Castledermot Local History Group.
One thing we are considering is creating a temporary ‘pop up exhibition’ for the duration of the summer as a means of testing the water for a more permanent exhibition in the future.
Some of the issues we need assistance with include:
- A suitable location for the exhibition
- Finding volunteers to help set up the exhibition
- Finding volunteers to help man the exhibition
- Ideas for advertising/marketing
If you interested in finding out more about this project, we would be delighted for you to come to the meeting which will be at 8pm, Wed 19th March
St James’ School (opposite C.of I. church), Castledermot
Your interest, advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated, so we hope to see you or your representative there. If you have any further questions, please call our secretary Sharon on 0877990867.
Castledermot LHG Committee
P.S. We are trying to let any individuals or businesses who might be interested know about the meeting but are bound to have missed some. Please pass the word on to anyone you think might be interested. Thank you!