‘Equality Denied’
Saturday, March 25th 2023
Rathangan Community Library
While the Easter Proclamation promised Irishwomen equal citizenship, equal rights, and equal opportunities, this promise remained unfulfilled. Their contribution in the Revolutionary Period has been minimised, with the names of leaders and activists all but erased from official history. Did the opposition of so many women to the Treaty provide the justifications for the marginalisation of women? Or was it inevitable given the influence of the Catholic Church and the succession of very conservative governments who led the new state?
In Women Making History, Caitlin White reminds us of the women who were actively shaping Ireland’s future through their involvement in the Suffrage Movement, Trade Unions, the Literary Revival and the Struggle for Independence.
New research will be presented by Karel Kiely, Kildare County Archivist, in Women scorned – A study of Republican Women Activists in Co. Kildare 1916-23 through pension applications and newspaper reports.
For further information see: Creative Rathangan Meitheal’s Facebook Page.
This is a free event starting at 10 am and finishing at 1 pm.
Teas and Coffees will be supplied.
Booking is essential as places are limited.
To book a place phone 045 528078
Or email rathanganlib@kildarecoco.ie