Free Access To The Irish Newspaper Archive & Radical Newspaper Archives Now Available in All Kildare Library Branches
Kildare Library Service is delighted to announce that there is now free access to both the Irish Newspaper Archive & Radical Newspaper Archive in all branch libraries in County Kildare.
The Irish Newspaper Archive includes a large selection of historic newspapers including The Kildare Nationalist,The Leinster Express, The Irish Independent, The Freeman’s Journal and The Irish Press. The Leinster Leader up to 1929 is also available on this site. The Radical Newspaper Archive includes a wide range of specialist papers across the political spectrum; including nationalist, republican, labour and suffragette publications. It will be of particular interest to anyone undertaking historical research of early twentieth century Ireland.
These digitised historical newspapers can be accessed by logging into the public network (through public PC or on WIFI) in any branch library in County Kildare from January 2024. Please email for further details, or ask at your local library branch. Further information on the newspaper holdings of Local Studies section of Kildare Library Service on our website here:
Newspapers – Kildare Library Service (
Kildare Observer
A reminder also that the Kildare Observer newspaper (covering 1880 to 1935 period) is freely available to everyone and everywhere through this link:
Irish Newspaper Archives (