The Geraldines and Medieval Ireland Symposium

The Making of a Myth
Marking the 500th anniversary of the death of the ‘Great Earl’ of Kildare

Thomas Davis Lecture Theatre
(Room 2043 Arts Building)
Trinity College Dublin
Friday 13 to Saturday 14 September 2013

Featuring a keynote public lecture by Professor Steven Ellis
Friday 13 September 2013 at 7 pm

Peter Crooks and Seán Duffy, Department of History, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Telephone: +353 1 896-1791

Admission Free • All Welcome
To register, please go to

Further Information:

Speakers include:
Sparky Booker (TCD) • Ciaran Brady (TCD) • Peter Crooks (TCD) • Seán Duffy (TCD) • David Edwards (University College Cork) • Steven Ellis (NUI Galway) • Robin Frame (Durham) • Paul MacCotter (UCC) • Huw Pryce (Wales, Bangor) • Katharine Simms (TCD) • Linzi Simpson • Brendan Smith (Bristol) • Colin Veach (Hull)


Keynote Lecture: Friday 13 September at 7 pm

Professor Steven Ellis will examine the career of the Great Earl of Kildare, once dubbed by a twentieth-century historian the ‘all-but king of Ireland’. Among Professor Ellis’s many publications are: Ireland in the age of the Tudors (1998); Tudor frontiers and noble power (1995); and Reform and Revival (1986).

Friday 13 September 2013

13.45 Welcome and Opening Remarks

14.00–15.30 – Session 1
Ciaran Brady
Seán Duffy

16.00–17.30 – Session 2
Huw Pryce
Colin Veach

Saturday 14 September 2013

9.00-10.30 – Session 3
Brendan Smith
Paul MacCotter

11.00-12.30 – Session 4
Robin Frame
Katharine Simms

14.00-15.30 – Session 5
Linzi Simpson
Sparky Booker

16.00-17.30 – Session 6
Peter Crooks
David Edwards