Kilcullen Bridge
The first bridge was built over the Liffey in 1319 by Maurice Jakis, Canon of Kildare Cathedral. The medieval bridge was destroyed in the wars of the 17th century. W.R. Chetwood in 1748, wrote of “six handsome arches over the Liffey at Kilcullen and a visitor from France remarked on the bridge of six arches in 1790. In 1795 Sir William Smith’s sketch showed the bridge as a six arched bridge with its two low and three high cutwaters. In 1837 it was described as “having an interesting and venerable appearance. Though widened in modern times to accommodate heavy traffic the bridge still bares some semblance of its 18th century origin. Unfortunately in the last widening of the Bridge the side facing up-river was never returned to its original facing as seen on the down-river side this is something that should be rectified.