Kill History Publications
The most recent publications by Kill History Group, Johnstown: A Quaint Place, and Kill Village: A History, published in 2023 and 2022 respectively, are available for sale at the following locations in Kill village, Johnstown Village, and Naas:
Johnstown Book:
Centra Johnstown – Johnstown Garden Centre – Barker & Jones Naas
Kill Book:
Eurospar Kill – Life Pharmacy Kill – Kill Parish Office – Barker & Jones Naas
Alternatively, anyone interested can purchase the most recent books directly from Kill History Group by contacting Brian McCabe:
Brian McCabe,
Ivy Cottage,
Co Kildare.
Tel: 045 894412

Johnstown: ‘A quaint little place’
by Kill History Group

Kill Village: A History
by Kill History Group

St John’s Church, Kill: Bicentenary 1821-1921
by Brian McCabe
With contributions by Dermot Gillespie, Terence Gillespie, Stephen O’Byrne, Jackie Challoner
Photography by Tony Keane and Philip Heak

Some Time to Kill: Memories of Kill Village
by Tony Carr (Price: €19.99)

Dear Miss B: a collection of Edwardian postcards
by Brian McCabe (Price €5)