Cemetery & Graveyard Transcriptions
St David’s Church – A Brief History
By Brian Mc Cabe
Tradition places Christian worship at St David’s from the earliest times. A reference to St Patrick having camped in the Green of the Dun (or fort) of Naas is generally taken to apply to the site of the present church. It has been speculated that the first church on the site may have been dedicated to St Patrick (or St Corban) but that this building had fallen into disuse by the time the Anglo‑Normans arrived. The granite baptismal font at present preserved in the church may well date from the early Christian era.
It is likely that the 12th century Welsh Norman William Fitzmaurice, on whom Naas was bestowed by Henry II, rebuilt ‑ or at least rededicated ‑ the church to St David, the patron saint of Wales. The first specific reference to the church occurs in 1212 when it was included amongst the possessions of the Knights Hospitallers in Ireland. Some portions of the present nave as well as the black limestone font at the west end of the church probably date from this period. The mouldings on two of the windows in the north wall have been likened to those in Christ Church Catherdral in Dublin.
The church evidently remained the property of the Hospitallers during the Middle Ages and it is listed among their possessions in the year 1540. In 1606 it is recorded that the church contained three chantries (seperate areas in which prayers were ‘chanted’) dedicated to the Holy Trinity, St Mary and St Catherine. The priests, or ‘presbyters’, of these chantries held substantial tracts of land and property in and around Naas and were nominated by the provost and burgesses of the town. In the town’s charter of 1609 the Corporation of Naas was confirmed in possession of the chantry lands for which they paid £9 yearly “towardes the reparation of the church of St Davides.”
Mr Thomas Drew RHA MRIA, writing in the last century, conjectured that the Protestant settlers established in Naas by the Duke of Ormonde in 1648 probably altered the church in some respects setting up a State pew for the Corporarion and high‑backed pews ‘in the manner of their time’.
“Modern restorers of the Board of First Fruits and Ecclesiastical Commissioners types did the rest, sweeping away at once the relics of Jacobean state and every vestige of interest and beauty which the church must have possessed up to a period not very remote.”
Further changes followed during the 17th century including the railing in of the formerly open churchyard (1672) and the pulling down of St Corban’s “Gate” (1680) ‑ the stones of which were used for the repair of the church at a cost of £55 to the then vicar.
In 1708 a cushion and Common Prayer Book were bought for the use of the church at a cost of £3 and in 1709 one John Mantle was to have £5 per annum “for looking to ye clock and ringing ye Church Bell” at 6 a.m and 9 p.m daily, holidays excepted!
In 1734 £70 was raised by applotment for repairs to the church at 4 1/2 d per acre, addressed to the churchwardens, sidesmen and constables of the parish, which was divided into four wards.
By the end of the century however, further repairs were necessary and a sum of £118 11s 3d was expended on the roof in 1789; this was, presumably, for a complete re‑roofing.
Further restoration work was planned in the last century and a plan prepared by the aforementioned Thomas Drew envisaged the replacement of the plaster ceiling by an open timbered roof, restoration of the chancel, removal of the gallery and the re‑opening of one of the side aisles (St Marys).
It was also proposed to restore the marble font and two windows in the nave of the church and to purchase stalls and fittings for the re‑opened aisle.
This latter plan however was never proceeded with.
The Tower
In 1767 the sovereign and portreeves of Naas “taking into consideration the ruinous condition of the (then) steeple” resolved to:
“pull down said steeple and build another in such place of the churchyard belonging to said church as should be approved of by John Bourke, one of the Commissioners of H.M. Revenue, which steeple shall be built after the manner of St Patricks, Dublin, sufficient to contain a ring of eight bells of equal size with the bells of St Patrick’s steeple and they grant to John Bourke and his heirs £100 per annum for 31 years out of the revenues of the Corporation for said purpose, any residue to be spent on repairing and adorning the church.”
This ambitious scheme however was evidently never completed. The noted traveller, Austin Cooper, who visited the area in 1781 noted that:
“The church in Naas is very plain,with the chancel in ruins. A steeple was begun here last year by Lord Mayo and carried only for one storey; he has again undertaken the work and began it last Monday and when I was here I saw him overseeing the workmen. I visited this place 7th August 1782 and found only a second storey finished and no sign of the continuance of the work.”
When one bears in mind the inscription Mayo had placed on the second storey viz. RUINAM INVENI PYRAMIDEM RELIQUI MAYO MDCCLXXXI (I found a ruin, I left a steeple, Mayo, 1781) the joke, ultimately, was on the good Earl!
The Bell
The bell in the present tower is 17th century and, presumably, hung originally in the earlier steeple. It was cast in 1674 and has an inscription in Latin as follows; “OS MEUM LAUDABIT DOMINUM IN ECCLESIA S.DAVIDIS DE NAAS” (My mouth shall praise the Lord in the church of S.David at Naas).
The inscription is followed by the initials “W.C.R.P”. These would seem to refer to William Cory and Roger Purdue, the two principal members of a company of bell‑founders who came from Salisbury in 1671 to re‑cast the bells of St Patricks in Dublin. They also cast bells for Kilkenny and Limerick and the tomb of the elder brother, William Purdue, which was extant in Limerick in the last century, carried the following inscription:
“Here a bell‑founder honest and true
Until the resurrection,lies Purdue.”
St David’s Church & Graveyard – Survey
The following headstones and memorials were transcribed during the summer of 1988 for the Naas Local History Group by Brian Mc Cabe, Seán Sourke, David Brown, John O’Kelly and Stephen Collins. A total of 188 interments were recorded.
The earliest inscription dates from 1606 (entry no.7) and the last interment recorded (in graveyard) was in 1894 (entry no.25)
During the course of the project I was informed of a tradition locally, which was still current in the 1950s that ‘a bishop’ was buried in the grounds of St David’s.
Dr Commerford, in his history of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, identifies him as Dr. Thomas Leverous who was bishop of Kildare from 1554 to 1577. Having refused to take the Oath of Supremacy on the accession of Elizabeth 1 he reputedly fled for some time to Adare but subsequently returned to minister in secret until “broken down in health by unceasing labours, he breathed his last in a poor hut at Naas about the year 1577 at the age of 80 and was interred at St Davids.”
Texts of Inscriptions (Graveyard)
East of the church
1. Sacred to the memory of John Mitchel and/James Mitchel of Borahard House County Kildare/Esquires/The former departed this life on the 1st day of/June 1846 aged 48 years/The latter on the 14th day of February 1847/Aged 96 years/Beloved and regretted by a numerous Circle of/Friends and deeply lamented by their surviving family/This Monument is Erected to their memory/by their afflicted relative Miss Mary Donohoe/the Granddaughter of said James Mitchel Esq/And also John M. Donohoe Esq. Brother of/the above named Miss Mary Donohoe who/departed this life on the 29th day of December 1873/aged 40 years/Here also lies the remains of the above named/Miss Mary Donohoe who departed this life/on the 25th day of January 1878 aged 68 years/ Requiescant in Pace
3. Here lies the body of James Brannan of/Naas who departed this life the 4th of February/1764 Aged 72 years alfo his wife Mary Bran/nan departed this life the 7 of June 1752 aged 40 years
Here alfo lies the body of Patrick/Brannan his Son who departed this life the/11th of May 1797 Aged 77 years
Lord have mercy on their souls
(This stone is broken in two pieces)[These two stones have since been moved to the grass opposite to make way for car park spaces]
South of the church
4. Erected by Hugh Eagleton of/Naas in memory of his Father/Hugh Eagleton who died/December 22nd 1817/Aged 74 years/And of His Son John Eagleton/who died June 22nd 1854/Aged 21 years/Here also are interred three of his Children Hugh Catherine/and Julia who died young/Also Hugh Eagleton died August 10th 1836/Also Anne Eagleton died August 27th 1866/Also Julia Eagleton died June 15th 1869/ Requisceant in Pace
(Celtic Cross)
6. Here lieth the Body of Garrett O’Reilly who departed this life the 9th of June 1778 Aged 58 years
(Fragment of table tomb; two empty recessed panels and third raised panel with inscription in false relief)
8. Enclosed railings with name plaque ATKINSON ‑ no tombs extant
9. This stone was erected/by CATHERINE CURRIN in memory/of her beloved Husband/JOHN CURRIN Apothecary who/died at Naas the 29th of April 1840 aged (52) years
[limestone fragment set against south wall with inscription in false relief in Roman lettering]
Click below for a 3D model of stones 7, 10, and 41. Note model download size is 230MB.
11. This stone bears a beautifully executed coat of arms with the following inscription in Latin at the top:
Left: Guilielmus Latton De Morristown Quorum mise me Fieri SPQS
Right: Anna Luterel De Lutterelstown rere Deus fecerum Domini Eternam.
The former Stone Erected by Wm LATTON and/ANNE LUTTRELL of Morristown in the year/1600 being Broken this was fixt by PATRICK LATTON/and JANE ALCOCK of the same Place Anno 1719/
Here lyeth the body of JOHN LATTON Eldest/Son of the above PATRICK LATTON who Departed/this life the Seventh day of July 1731 in the 21st/year of his Age
Here also lieth the body of the said/PATRICK LATTON of Morristown Esqr/who Departed this life the 19th day of June 1732/in the sixty fourth year of his age/Also the body of his Son GEORGE LATTON Lattin Esqr/who died July 8th 1773 Aged 59/Also the body of his Wife/CATHERIN O FERRALL of Ballyna/who died Novr 12th 1800 Aged 66 Years
12. This stone was erected by Mr Patrick Coughlan of the parish of/Remore in this county in me(m)ory of his wife Mrs Mary Coughlan/who departed this life August the 2th 1748
Aged 34 years/alfo two of his fons and three of his Grandchildr
[Cracked tablet set into outside of south wall with nearby coat of arms]
[According to Bradley (Urban Archaeological Survey, 1986, OPW), this finely carved coat-of-arms is the heraldic crest of the Fisher family and was likely paired with the above stone (No. 13) inscribed with a date of 1659. Considering its age and the quality of its carving (still visible in the lower lion) it is extremely regrettable that in recent years it was mindlessly defaced – as can be clearly seen in the image above taken in March 2023.]
Click below for a 3D model of stone 13 (coat-of-arms). Note model download size is 145MB.
14. This stone is erected by John Hyland of/Naas in memory of his dearly beloved/Parents and Kindred A.D.1813/Here lieth the remains of his Mother/Mrs Mary Hyland aged 49 years and/of his Father John Hyland aged 63 yrs/also his Sisters and Brothers who died in the flower of their years Mary Anne/Joseph Judith and Thomas all gone/it is humbly hoped to an happy Eternity/of Peace and Bliss Also the children of/the above John Hyland Francess Thos & Anne who died in their infancy.
15. This stone was erected by Mr/Thomas Brophy of Naas to the memory of his amiable and beloved/Wife Christiana who departed this life the 13th day of May 1815 in the bloom of her youth and twenty eight years of her age
She lived beloved and died regretted. Here are interred two of their children Thomas and Lucindia who died in their infancy
Also the remains of his esteemed and venerated Father Mr Patrick Brophy. May their Souls enjoy eternal Glory
16. This stone is Erected by Mr/Thos Brennan of Naas in/memory of his dearly beloved/Son Mr Michael Brennan who/departed this life June 23rd 1824/Aged 19 years/May the Lord have mercy on his soul
17. This Stone was Erected by DANIEL BROPHY to the memory of his affectionate Wife/MARY BROPHY of Naas/who after a fhort but truly well/fpent life in the practice of every/Chriftian virtue
Exchanged the/Fleeting pleasures of this world/for the real Joys of a happy Eternity/On the 18th of August 1812/at the Early Age of 30 years
18. With two of her Children/here lies the Body/of Mrs Judith Dooling alias Dunn/who departed this life the 2nd of November 1807 alfo the Body of Mr Edwd Dooling her hufband who died the 27 May 1808
May their souls (rest in peace)
19. This stone and burial place Belongeth to/Gerald Archbold of Naas/Here lieth the body of Said Gerald Archbold/who departed this life the 9th of December/1795
Aged 65 years
20. Here lieth the body/of James Lawler/who departed this/life September the/21st 1791 Aged 52 years/Erected by his Wi/dow Rose Lawler for/him and posterity
21. Sacred to the Memory/of Serjeant George Moore of/His Majesty’s North Cork Militia/Aged 26 years/He fell by the hand of an Assassin/when in the act of apprehending/a desperate Banditti of Robbers/at Mainham on the night/of the 10th of September 1799/
This Monument was Erected/by the Officers of his Regiment/As a mark of their Esteem/He fulfilled his Duty/As a soldier and a Man
22. Here lieth the body of/Terence MAC DONALD/of Jigginstown who departed this life/On the 31st of December 1817 in the 68 Year/of his Age. Also his brother ALEXANDER/who died on the 23rd of July 1823/Aged 52 years/Also TERENCE MAC DONALD Jr who/died 5th November 1874 Aged 64 years/And JOHN MAC DONALD who died/14th December 1875 Aged 62 Years
23. Erected by John Cale of Naas/in memory of his Brother William/Cale who departed this life/October 22nd 1831 Aged 37 years/Here lieth the body of the above named/John Cale who died March 25th 1840 Age 47 years
24. Here lies the body of /Mrs BRIDGET MOOREHEAD/who departed this life 24 October 1820/in the 24th year of her age/And one of her children who died/Also here lies the remains of her father THOMAS MALLAN died 20th June 1814/Aged 74 years/And her mother ELIZABETH MALLAN/died 10th January 1817 Aged 61 years/
Here also lies her Sister JUDITH MALLAN/died 7th August 1816/Aged 20 years/And her sister CATHERINE MALLAN/died 12 th August 1817 Aged 25 years/Also the body of Mr GEORGE MOOREHEAD/who Departed this life April 24 1827/Aged 36 years/May their souls rest in peace
(Stone cracked)
25. Sacred to the memory of/JAMES MURPHY of Naas/who departed this life on/the 21st day of March 1871 aged 62 years/Here also lie the remains of/HENRY LEVERTON of Naas/and his wife ANNE/
Here also lie the remains of/ELIZABETH MURPHY/who departed this life/the 8th day of March 1883 Aged 78 years/wife of the above named JAMES MURPHY/and daughter of HENRY & ANNE LEVERTON/Also their daughter MARGARET LEVERTON/who died 10th March 1894/aged 90 years
(Stone cracked)
North of the church
26. This Stone was Erected by Thomas Wilkinson of Naas in memory of his daughter Elizabeth Mc Greger who departed this life August 27th 1834 Aged 26 Years. Here also is interred the above named Thos Wilkinson who died 8th Augt 1862 Aged 79 years
27. Here lieth the Body of/Lieutenant General Charles Eustace/late of the City of Dublin/who departed this life/on the 10th day of June 1801/Aged 65 Years/Here also lies the Body of (Alicia) Eustace/Daughter to Olliver Mc Causland of/Strabane in the County of Tyrone Esqr./and Widow of the above/Named General Eustace who/was born the 18th of April 1744/And died the 3rd of December 1824/She was an excellent Wife/Fond Mother a Sincere Friend/And a true Christian
28. This monument/was Erected by (Mrs) LUCY DONNELLY/to the memory of/her beloved and ever to be regretted husband/(Mr) BARTHOLEMEW DONNELLY/of Naas in the County of Kildare/who departed this life on the 12th day/of November 1811 Aged 56 Years/
Amiable in his public/as well as his private character/
He died Sincerely lamented by his friends &/relations as he had lived thoroughly esteemed/by all his numerous acquaintances/
Stop Reader Stop God’s noble work to Scan
A Sincere Christian and an honest man
Here also lieth the Body of the above/Mrs LUCY DONNELLY who departed this/life on the 14th day of April 1825/Aged 80 years
29. Here lieth the remains of Susanna Lowery/Wife of Captain Lowery of the Antrim Militia/who died at Naas April the 3 1806
Aged 28 years
30. This tomb was erected by Sophea Stew/art in memory of her Husband Frances/Stewart late Leut of the Donegal Melletia/who died at Naas the 29th day of Novr 1804/Aged 28 years
Click below for a 3D model by Jan Nevrkla of stone 31 (Celtic Cross). Note model download size is 165MB.
32. This stone was erected by Ca/thrine Wilson of Naas to the me/mory of her dearly beloved pa/rents A.D. 1819
Here lie the remains of her mother Mrs Mary/Wilson who died 21 December 1800/aged 52 years And her father Mr/Edwd Wilson who died 30th Decr/1816 aged 84 years
May their/Souls enjoy eternal glory
33. Erected by Mrs Margaret Wilson of Naas to the memory of her/beloved Husband the late/Mr WILLIAM WILSON who died 18th Febr 1819 aged 71 years/Also her Son William who died/Decr 25th 1833 aged 27 years/Also two children who died young
May they rest in peace
34. This Tomb Stone was erected over/the Remains of Mrs Mary Gillett of/Naas who departed this life 14th July/1824 aged 63 years
Here also lies/interred her Sister Mrs Martha Read/who died 13th Novr aged 63 years
35. This Burial Place Belongeth to/Mr Wm Hollegan of Naas and his/pofterity who Departed this life Feb/8th 1777 aged 84 years
alfo his wife/Mrs Hefter Hollegan who Departed/this life Decr 17th 1781 aged 78 years/Here lyeth the Body of their/Daughter Mrs Jane Plunkett who/departed this life April 18th 1782/aged 40 years Alfo her Hufband/Mr John Plunkett who Departed/this life April 22nd 1808 aged 72 years
36. This stone and burial place belongs to/James Owens of Naas in the Cou/nty of Kildare and his Posterity 1756/Here lyeth the body of Thomas/Hughs of Naas (Gleazor) father in law of/the above James Owens who Departed/this life the 14 day of July 1741 aged 52/ Here also lyeth the body of Ow(ens)/Daughter of the above James Owens who/Departed this life ye 14 day of June 17(44)/Here lyeth the Body of James Owens/who departed this life April the 9 1762/Aged 47 years And His Son John Owens/who departed this life on the 10th aged 16 years 1762
37. This stone was erected by/William Dunbavin of the city/of Dublin in memory of his beloved/children viz John who departed/this life on the 14th of November 1802/aged 9 months/Anne who departed the 27th July 1805/aged 10 years/Mary who departed the 21st of July 1810/aged 13 years/Sarah who departed the 12th of Feb 1814/in the Sixteenth year of her age
(stone is broken in three pieces)
Railed in plot with a recumbent stone and a cross (Nos. 39-40)
39. Erected by Richard Callaghan of Naas in memory of his beloved Wife/Judith Callaghan who departed this life January 30th 1827 Aged 45 years Here also are interred two of their Children Jane aged 7 and Julia 12 years and here was since interred the said Richard Callaghan who died June 4th 1833 aged 61 years
Here also are interred the remains of his beloved son Edward who departed this life on the 7th of July 1849 Aged 40 years and the remains of his beloved son Patrick who departed this life on the 10th of March 1852 Aged 45 years And also the remains of his beloved son William who departed this life on the 16th December 1858 Aged 56 years Also Richard O Callaghan Son of the above named Patrick who departed this life 9th March 1859 Aged 25 years And of Richard Callaghan son of the above Richard and Judith who died 2nd Sept 1821 aged 33 years
[This stone was originally freestanding and located against the north wall of the naive where it meets the chancel. It is now embedded in the external south wall of the nave] See the 3D model above of three wall mounted stones, which includes this stone No. 41. Note model download size is 230MB
Texts of Inscriptions (Church interior)
The following headstones are set in the aisle floor (reading from altar to back):
[Since this survey these stones have been removed]
42. Catrine Fors/ter Allis/Sherlock Dece/ased 1682/William Forster/Deceased 1707
[This stone is now outside the church on the south side opposite the most westerly window]
Second stone is of red sandstone
(The following inscription is carved around the edge)
Under this are a coat of arms and motto
Beneath them are engraved:
(Note: Lord Walter Fitzgerald transcribes this as “CISSILIA” but it could equally be “CICILIA” or a variation thereof.)
Image based on Lord Walter FitzGerald’s illustration published in VOl. III No. 1 (1899) of the Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society.
[This stone is now in storage in the crypt but is broken into a number of parts]
[Location unknown]
[Location unknown]
Memorials on walls of church (anti‑clockwise from door). Many of these have been removed since the survey.
46. Sacred to the memory of Major General Lewis Thomas C.B.
Colonel of the 3rd Regt. of Foot Bengal Army E.I.C.S son of Lewis Thomas esqr. Brookhill Co Kilkenny & Grandson of the Rt. Honble Sir Edward Lovett Pearce.
He entered the service in 1788 & distinguishing himself received the public thanks of the Government twice & of the commanders in chief on the field. He died the 3rd May 1824 at Cawnpore in command & in humble & devout gratitude to Almighty God for the manifold blefsings enjoyed by him thr’o life Bequeathed for the benefit of the poor of the parish church of NAAS £20 per annum for ever to the Ministers and Churchwardens trustees
47. In loving memory of FLORENCE HENRIETTA FANNY MOORE who died at Killashee Sept. 29th 1887
[This plaque was originally located in Killashee church until its closure in 1965]
48. In loving memory of GERALDINE F L WARREN who died in London 4th June 1928
[This plaque was originally located in Killashee church until its closure in 1965]
49. In loving memory of ALICE GERALDINE MOORE who died in Cheltenham 21st November 1931
[This plaque was originally located in Killashee church until its closure in 1965]
50. In loving memory of Lt.Colr St.Leger MOORE who died at Killashee 13th of October 1921 in his 74th year
[This plaque was originally located in Killashee church until its closure in 1965]
51. In loving memory of STEPHEN BLYTH MOORE Major Imperial Yeomandry who died of enteric fever at Wynberg South Africa while serving his country June 4th 1901 Aged 51 years
[This plaque was originally located in Killashee church until its closure in 1965]
52. This monument was erected by John the fourth Earl of MAYO in memory of his Grandfather John the first Earl of Mayo and his Father Joseph Dean Lord Archbifhop of Tuam and Earl of Mayo who died the 17th of August 1794 Aged 63 years
53. To the glory of God and in ever loving memory of Lieutenant CECIL CHARLES ARTHUR COOPER 1st Battn The Royal Dublin Fusiliers,only son of Major General Charles Duncan Cooper C.B Late the Royal Dublin Fusiliers and Blanche Mary his wife,accidentally drowned at Khartoum 12th August 1908 aged 25. Placed here by his sorrowing parents
54. In affectionate memory of Brig. General ARCHIBALD JOHN CHAPMAN C.B.CMG CBE Officer Legion d’Honneur
Commissioned to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers in 1884 serving in Gibraltar, India and Malta: also the South African War 1899 ‑ 1902 with the mounted infantry. Commanded the 1st Batt. 1906 ‑ 1910 in Egypt,the Sudan and India. Commanded the 15th Inf. Brig. 1st World War 1914 ‑ 1918 at Ypres and afterwards Home Service. Born at Dun Laoghaire 29th Dec 1862 Died at Evesham Worcs 6th June 1950
This tablet is erected by his wife and children
55. Erected by the Hon. RICHARD HELY HUTCHINSON in affectionate remembrance of his sister the Lady CHARLOTTE SOPHIA WOLFE widow of the late Rev. RICHARD WOLFE of FORENAUGHTS who entered into her rest January 19th 1870 Aged 71 years
56. Sacred to the memory of HELENA wife of ADAM BEVERHOUDT Lieut.of H.M 58th Regt. Daughter of THOMAS JACKSON of Fanningstown in the county of Limerick who died the 13th day of February in the Year of our Lord 1829 aged 22 years and whose remains are interred in the adjoining church yard
57. This monument is erected in loving remembrance of the Hon.CHARLES FOWLER BOURKE C.B 5th son of Robert 5th Earl of Mayo and Anne Charlotte Countess of Mayo his wife,by his five surviving brothers born at Hayes Sept. 5th 1832 Died at Roseboro April 4th 1899
58. Erected by THOMAS DE BURGH of Oldtown Esquire and their other surviving children in affectionate remembrance of the very Reverend THOMAS JOHN Dean of Cloyne who died the 5th Sept 1845 aged 59 years and of the Right Honourable the Lady ANNA LOUISA DE BURGH his wife who died 29th December 1857 Aged 71 years
59. In memoriam ULICK GEORGE CAMPBELL DE BURGH Colonel in the army Companion of the Order of the Bath Knight of Grace of the Order of St John of Jerusalem 1855 ‑ 1922 and BLANCHE PAGET his wife 1857 ‑ 1915
60. In loving memory of Lt. Colonel THOMAS JOHN DE BURGH of Oldtown Born 2 Nov 1851 Died 7 Sept 1931
61. In memory of THOMAS BURGH Esqr of Oldtown He died 28th Novr 1832 Aged 78 Also of FLORINDA GARDINER his wife
She died 15th April 1830 Aged 70
62. In loving memory of Capt. HUBERT DE BURGH D.S.O RN
Died 6 Oct 1960 aged 81 and his wife Marjory died 23 Apr 1978
Aged 88 yrs
63. Erected by his brother officers in memory of THOMAS DE BURGH of Oldtown Lieut. 31st D.C.O Lancers Born Sept 10 1888
Killed in action near Conde‑sur‑Aisne
Sept 17 1914
64. In loving memory of Emily wife of Thomas John de Burgh of Oldtown
Born Oct 3 1857 Died May 20 1913
65. In memory of HUGO HENRY PATRICK DE BURGH of Ballinapierce Co Wexford 3rd son of Thomas de Burgh of Oldtown Naas
Born 8th June 1868 Killed in action at Jammersberg Drift in the defence of Wepener South Africa 11th April 1900
66. In remembrance of Albreda Mary 5th Daughter of William Thomas SPENCER 6th Earl Fitzwilliam and wife of Hon. Charles Fowler Bourke of Roseboro Naas
Born 19th Jan 1855 Died 9th Oct 1933
67. In memory of CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT LEE Esquire Lieutenant and Adjant 89th Regt. who unfortunately met his death by drowning on the 26th day of March 1835 aged 25 years
This officer by his many and singularly amiable qualities endeared himself not only to his brother officers but to every individual in the corps to which he belonged and the manifest but subdued grief testified at his funeral were eloquent tokens of the esteem in which he was held
This tablet was erected by his affectionate sister
68. To the glory of God and to the memory of HENRIETTA DE BURGH wife of the Venble Maurice de Burgh who died 31 Dec 1893
Of Elizabeth Ann their daughter who died 1st July 1889 and of their son the Rev. William Edward de Burgh B.A Assistant Chaplain his Majesty’s forces who died at Woods Hole Capetown,S.Africa on 4th Sept 1902
69. In loving memory of WILLIAM DE BURGH D.D sometime Rector of Ardboe in the County of Tyrone whose life of earnest piety, marked also by deep learning employed in the study and interpretation of the Sacred Scriptues gave an example of true devotion to his Master’s cause
He fell asleep in Christ Octr. 15 in the year of his age 66 of our Salvation 1866
70. In loving memory of MARY FLORINDA HANBURY second daughter of the Venble Maurice De burgh Archdeacon of Kildare and wife of Arthur Lamprier Hanbury,Worcester Park Surrey who entered into rest on 23rd December 1914 and her sister Charlotte Josephine de Burgh who for some years played the Organ for the services in this church and who entered into rest on 4th August 1913
71. In loving memory of The Rev.Precentor E.W CLOVER B.D who died on the 26 November 1954 Curate 1894 ‑ 1906 Rector 1909 ‑ 1954
A faithful friend and pastor.
Erected by his parishoners
72. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. General Charles Eustace of Robertstown in this County (a lineal descendant of Richard Viscount Baltinglass Baron Portlester) late Colonel of his Majesty’s 68th Regt. of Foot Governor of Ross Castle and many years a member of Parliament, who departed this life the 10th of June 1801
Also to Mrs Alice EUSTACE his wife,daughter to Oliver Mc Causland in the County Tyrone Esqr who died the 3rd of Decr 1824
She was a kind and tender parent, a sincere friend and a most devout Christian
73. To the Glory of God and in ever loving memory of Capt.George Anthony WELDON 2nd Batt. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Eldest son of Colonel Thomas Weldon C.B.E and Helen Rachel Louisa, his wife, of Queen’s County Ireland, killed in action at Falana Hill South Africa (while bringing a wounded soldier into shelter) October 20th 1899 Aged 33
74. Erected by Parishoners and Friends in memory of Elizabeth Frances GRAY who was, for 25 years, organist of this church (having previously been voluntary organist for several years)
The erection of the present organ was largely due to her untiring devotion. Her charitable disposition earned for her the respect and affection of all classes
She died on Saturday 22nd April 1922 and was interred in Maudlins Cemetery
The following inscriptions are on plaque in porch:
75. In proud and loving memory of the following men of this parish who gave their lives in the great war ‑
Derrick A Carden Maj. 2nd Seaforth Highrs
Oswald Mosley Croshaw D.S.O Lt.Col. 53rd Batt.AIF (Late 19th Hrs)
Thomas de Burgh Lieut. 31st D.C.O Lrs
John Horne Pte 2nd Batt. R D Fus
William Horne Pte Home Guards Can.Army
W.D. Guthrie Lotan 2nd Lieut. R.A.F
Arthur Loveland C.M.G Lt.Col. 2nd Batt. R D Fus
Arthur Steuart Weldon Maj. N.Stafford Regt.
Stephen Goodall Pte Berks. Regt
1939 ‑ 1945
Robert P Gill Maj. 16/5 Lancers
The following two headstones were subsequently uncovered in the graveyard during renovations in Summer 1990:
76. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs Honour Geoghegan/who departed this life ye 27th day of Iary/1749 Aged years/Here lyeth Mr Ioe Geoghegan/who deprd ye 28th of February/1769 Aged 93 years/Also the Body of his Father Mr Bryan/Geoghegan son of Mr CHARLES GEOGHEGAN of/Ballinagore Wstmeath who depd May the 15/1776 Aged 80 years
[Decoration: IHS and coat of arms (lion rampant with three dexter hands)]
77. HELENA/Wife of Lieut Adam Beverhoudt/of his Majestys 38th Regiment/died Feby 13th 1829/aged 22 years.