The Eustace Knight Effigy in 3D
Text and Models by Digital Heritage Age
Knight Effigy, St John’s COI, Ballymore Eustace – originally at Old Kilcullen (National Monument KD029-011011)
According to Bradley et al. (1986, vol. 1, 80), a 16th-century limestone knightly effigy was moved from Old Kilcullen (KD028-049012-) to a 19th-century church in a graveyard (KD029-011004-) in Ballymore Eustace. The slab, carved in high relief with the figure of a knight, is believed to represent Sir Oliver FitzEustace. The head is on a cushion and the feet rest on an animal. The right arm lies on his breast and the left is extended, lying across a sword. The knight is represented as armed, in a long hauberk (coat) of mail with short sleeves and with a mail collar attached. The bascinet (helmet) has a visor and there is a crest, possibly a stag couchant, on the forehead (Hunt 1974, 77, 153, Fig. 142). Hunt (op. cit. 153) considers that the effigy, ‘represents indifferent journeyman’s work, but is said to have been “restored” in the nineteenth century.’
NOTE: This model is inexplicably tagged as Kerry and is hosted on the Kerry3D sketchfab account managed by Digital Heritage Age. The effigy is in fact located in St John’s Church, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare. It was originally located at Old Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, and was even depicted in an illustration of 1792 by Daniel Grose, in which it can be seen propped against the wall of the now gone church of Old Kilcullen. The download size is 91MB.