K3D – Cadaver Double Effigy

Castledermot Cadaver Double Effigy in 3D

Text and Model by Digital Heritage Age


Cadaver Double Effigy, Castledermot, Co. Kildare (National Monument KD040-002033)
This is an example of a double effigy type cadaver stone, located in Castledermot – the only recorded example in co. Kildare. Located in north trancept’s centre chapel [Franciscan Friary]. Decorated in low relief, features two cadavers on either side of ringed, eight-armed fleur-de-lys cross. Female in a shroud, male naked. Partial inscriptions on cross shaft: EH and on margin: JAMES TALLON IOANE SKELTON WHO DIED 2 [1 OF …05] (as recorded by Bradley et al 1986). The date is believed to be 1505.

This model was generated using Photogrammetry Survey by @DH_Age Project Funded by Kildare Couny Council Community Heritage Grant

NOTE: This model requires good bandwidth and a reasonably powerful computer to view successfully, as the download size is 362MB.